Yonohub is a product of Avelabs. The team behind Yonohub includes top talents with 10 years of experience in the automotive industry, Ph.D. in computer engineering from Purdue University, experience building an efficient and scalable pipeline used for autonomous vehicle platforms, and deep experience in a variety of development projects with most of the carmakers and suppliers in the US and Europe.

Avelabs is a future focused supplier of embedded solutions and services for the automotive industry. With major contributions in the highly dynamic “always on the move” automotive industry, Avelabs fosters an atmosphere of continuous innovation with all its clients. Avelabs provides services and solutions in a variety of areas that include AUTOSAR, Embedded Linux, Model-Based Development, Functional Safety and Autonomous Driving.

Avelabs Mission

At Avelabs our mission is to provide a constant medium between our customers and innovation. By creating a dynamic environment where our engineers can fully and ultimately utilize their skills on and off site, we are helping shape an efficient and creative prospective of the future.


A certified AUTOSAR Partner, Avelabs has worked with a great multitude of vehicle manufacturers on a vast variety of ECUs and has continually strived to provide highly effective solutions that allowed its clients to achieve maximal innovation in their products.